Keeping your air conditioner maintained is essential for its performance and longevity. It also keeps your energy costs down.

Without regular maintenance, an AC unit can lose up to 5% of its efficiency each year.

Clean the Filters

Clean filters help reduce the amount of dust, pollen and dander in your air conditioning unit. This helps keep your home and family healthier, which can result in longer unit life and lower energy costs.

The best way to keep your AC filter clean is to change it regularly. This is especially true if you have pets and/or live in an area with air pollution problems.

You can also consider buying washable filters to make changing the filter less hassle. These are usually made from a pleated material and are more effective at trapping dirt than flat-shaped filters.

To clean your AC filter, remove it from the unit and rinse it with a sink full of water and white vinegar (never use a high-pressure hose on these filters). Dry the filter thoroughly before putting it back in the unit.

Check the Condensate Drain

The evaporator coil of your air conditioner collects moisture as it cools the air inside your home. The accumulated condensation is funneled into a drain pan and then out the condensate pipe to the outside handler.

During your professional AC maintenance service, the technician will check the condensate drain and clear it of debris to prevent clogging. Over time, the evaporator coil can build up dust and other debris in the condensate drain line that can then clog it.

A clogged air conditioner condensate drain line can cause serious issues with the system. It can also cause water damage to your home and AC unit if it overflows.

To check if your condensate drain line is clogged, take a look at the drip pan under your air conditioner. If there is standing water in the pan, that’s an indication that the drain line is clogged and needs to be cleaned out.

Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is the main control for your air conditioning system. Without a properly working thermostat, your system won’t be able to work as efficiently as it should.

It’s important to check the thermostat regularly. This is because a malfunctioning thermostat can cause multiple issues for your AC unit.

This includes a higher electrical bill, decreased energy efficiency, and even compressor failure.

If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to schedule an HVAC repair appointment as soon as possible.

A good HVAC technician can inspect your thermostat and help you determine the root of the problem. They will also be able to help you repair or replace your thermostat if necessary.

Change the Filters

A dirty filter blocks airflow, causing the HVAC system to work harder than necessary. This can lead to higher utility bills, decreased unit lifespan and more frequent breakdowns.

When it comes to AC maintenance, changing the filter is one of the most important tasks you can do. Not only does it improve the air quality in your home, but it also increases your energy efficiency.

Clean filters allow the air to flow more freely, which means your AC will run less often and produce less heat. And because your air conditioner won’t have to work so hard to push cool air through the system, it will last longer and save you money on your electricity bill.

There are two types of AC filters: disposable ones with cardboard frames and paper screens and reusable filters that use a metal frame and can be washed according to manufacturer instructions. If you decide to clean your filter, be sure to rinse it well and let it dry completely before putting it back into your air conditioning system.